March 2007 – Issue 24
Of public forests and turkeys IX – Appeal of the Huron-Manistee National Forest Plan update
Several years ago we were the only conservation organization to appeal the set aside of 173,000 acres of Old Growth forest on the nearly 1 million acre Huron-Manistee National Forest, that was projected to double in size by 2035. Our appeal was rejected (of course) by the Forest Service, with the Sierra Club and The Nature Conservency opposing us. For us the appeal was mandatory because of the adverse effect it will have on many wildlife species found on the forests.

Ausable River Chapter – Spring 2007 Update
Chapter founder and long time president, Robby Robbins was recently honored by our chapter. A plaque and a blanket were given to him, honoring him for his many years of dedication both to our Wild Turkeys and to our chapter. The blanket was handmade by Mary May. Sewed on were the series of MWTHA patches.
Pere Marquette Chapter – Spring 2007 Update
It is mid January as I write this. Heavy snow came the first of December and then rapidly disappeared, leaving bare ground throughout Michigan. In just the past few says snow measured in inches has reappeared. Thus far our Wild Turkeys have been scattered over our 13 county chapter area and corn purchases have not been made. If future conditions warrant we will make those purchases.
January 2007 Update
Wow it’s already mid-January, and although it’s bitter cold today, we haven’t had any winter at all yet isn’t that great? With any luck at all, we’ll get through the rest of the winter as easily as we have so far, a blessing not only for all the birds out there, but also for the chapters that conduct winter feeding programs that are being confronted with unbelievably high corn prices.