March 2013 – Issue 34
Traverse Bay Notes Spring 2013
Traverse Bay Chapter of MWTHA began very limited winter feed distribution in Gaylord, Ellsworth and Charlevoix in early February when snow levels averaged a foot or more in Michigan’s north country.
Unlike previous years, with very little fund raising in the last two years, funds are very limited, so strict restrictions limiting the program to those attempting to feed 30 or more birds on limited or low incomes were set.
March 2013 Update
Although, thankfully, the winter of 2012-2013 held off until just a few weeks ago, we do have a winter in most of northern Michigan, with some areas as of early February buried with up to two feet of snow.
Because of that, although funds are very limited for some chapters, winter supplemental feeding programs have started to help our northern wild turkeys survive the deep snows. Many private property owners are helping us with this effort, as well as feeding on their own, out of their own pockets, for which we are very grateful.