35th Annual Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous

35th Annual Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous

Join us for this historic celebration as the Pere Marquette chapter of the MWTHA presents the 35th Annual Wild Turkey Hunter’s Rendezvous & State Calling Championships. Thirty five years is quite an accomplishment, and this will be quite an event.

The event takes place in Baldwin, MI on Saturday, March 26th, 2016. It is the largest gathering of turkey hunters in Michigan.

The day’s events begin at 9am at the Baldwin High School (map) (doors open at 8 AM).  There will be vendor exhibits, door prizes, calling and hunting clinics, gun and silent raffles. The Michigan State Turkey Calling Championships for both seniors and juniors will conclude the events at the high school.

Corn Giveaway & Calling Seminar

The North Central Chapter of the MWTHA is pleased to announce we will be holding a corn giveaway and turkey calling seminar at Jay’ Sporting Goods in Clare, Michigan on January 24, 2015. The turkey calling seminar will begin at 10:00 a.m. This event will be open to...
Traverse City Hunting & Fishing Expo 2014

Traverse City Hunting & Fishing Expo 2014

Michigan Wild Turkey Hunters Association will have a booth at this year’s Traverse City Hunting & Fishing Expo at the Civic Center in Traverse City, March 14-16, 2014. This is one of our favorite shows. Come on by and visit us to learn about what we’re...
2014 Deer & Turkey Expo

2014 Deer & Turkey Expo

MWTHA will have a booth at this year’s Lansing Deer & Turkey Expo. Come on out and visit our booth and meet Pere Marquette chapter president Jim Maturen and others, and see what we are up to in support of your wild turkeys this year. We will be selling our...
33rd Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous

33rd Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous

Join us as the Pere Marquette chapter of the MWTHA presents the 33rd Annual Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous & State Calling Championships. The event takes place in Baldwin, MI. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, March 29th, 2014.

The day’s events begin at 9 AM at the Baldwin High School (map) (doors open at 8 AM).

There will be vendor exhibits, door prizes, calling and hunting clinics, gun and silent raffles.  It’s a great place to see the latest technology related to turkey hunting, to stock up on the latest information, and to support our organization. The Michigan State Turkey Calling Championships for both seniors and juniors will conclude the events at the high school.