September 2007 – Issue 25
September 2007 Update
For most of us this past spring, it was a pretty good season, thanks to slightly higher numbers of birds in many areas of the north. We work hard every day to see that.
But although conditions have been excellent for the hatch, we’re hearing reports of hens running with toms into mid-July, hens with one poult, and groups of hens with no poults at all. Predation is an obvious problem all over the state.
Paradise Lost: Fall 2007 Update
In the March, 2006 issue of Michigan Turkey Tracks we wrote of the demise of Pigeon River Country State Forest.In the article were listed specific problems that endangered the “Big Wild”, one of the most unique forests on this planet.
Tale of a short turkey hunt
Turkeys had been gobbling off the roost most mornings, as well as strolling through the yard. Then the season opened and “poof” they were gone. The first two seasons there hadn’t been any evidence of hunters, no shots fired, and not even any owl hooting.
During the 26th Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous, which was held on March 31 at Baldwin we presented three awards to three well deserving people.
A certificate of Professional Excellence was presented to Ruthann French, a DNR wildlife technician who has worked