Turkey Hunters Workshop

Turkey Hunters Workshop

The Traverse Bay Chapter of the MWTHA is presenting a Turkey Hunters Workshop on Saturday, April 3, 2010 from 9:00AM – 4:00PM. The event will include demonstrations on various aspects of turkey hunting: calling, set-ups, decoys, shotgun patterning, DNR Law Division- review rules & regs, etc.

The featured speaker will be DNRE Wildlife Division Chief Russ Mason Ph.D..  His work experiences span across federal and state wildlife agencies in both the eastern and western United States.  He is a hunter, trapper, and fisherman with a special love of waterfowl and upland birds. His family hunts and fishes as well, and he started his kids on the trapline and in duck blinds before they could walk. His last job before coming to Michigan eighteen months ago was as the Game Chief for the Nevada Department of Wildlife. To this day,

29th Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous

29th Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous

The Pere Marquette Chapter will host the 29th Annual Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous and State Calling Championships on Saturday, March 27, 2010 at the Baldwin High School (map). The doors open at 8:00AM and the program begins at 9:00AM. Admission remains at $5 for...

Spring Wild Turkey Hunters Workshop

Everyone is invited to the Traverse Bay Chapter of MWTHA’s annual Spring Wild Turkey Hunters Workshop this Saturday, April 4, in Gaylord MI at the Northland Sportsmans Club.

Our area wildlife biologist will be there and would be a good person to talk to regarding the names and contact information of landowners in that area who feel the birds are a problem for them. In fact, you may even meet landowners in that area, not to mention the people who fed birds all this past winter in that area.

Visit our booth at the Traverse City Hunting & Fishing Expo this weekend

Visit our booth at the Traverse City Hunting & Fishing Expo this weekend

The Pere Marquette chapter of the MWTHA has a booth at this weekend’s Traverse City Hunting & Fishing Expo, Friday March 20 – Sunday March 22, 2009. The Expo has the largest collection of hunting and fishing exhibits ever assembled under one roof in northern Michigan. Stop by to see us at our booth, and meet some of our members and chapter president. Click on Read More (below) for the details about the event.

28th Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous

28th Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous

The Pere Marquette Chapter will host the 28th Annual Wild Turkey Hunters Rendezvous and State Calling Championships on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at the Baldwin High School (map). The doors open at 8:00AM and the program begins at 9:00AM. Admission remains at $5 for...