September 2013 – Issue 35
September 2013 Update
If you were out there this spring and bagged a fat wild turkey anywhere in northern Michigan, I hope you took a few moments to locate and thank the people who made sure that bird made it through the winter.
In many areas of northern Michigan, that was the hard working members of the several chapters of MWTHA, but in other areas, it was private property owners, many of whom probably had to pass on a lot of other things to pay up to $8.75 a 50 pound bag of shelled corn—the highest price in history.
Traverse Bay Notes Fall 2013
After a very long, cold, and snowy winter, with much of the snow not melting until mid-April, we had a surprisingly good spring turkey hunting season here in Area J, despite the fact that turkeys in many areas apparently didn’t survive the winter. That was no surprise to many of us-without winter feeding, those birds didn’t have good odds, particularly; if they weren’t located in agricultural areas, which we don’t have a lot of any way, or on someone’s bird feeder, or were one of the approximately 3000 birds I did try to reach with a very limited winter turkey feeding program that was operated a bit differently than usual, but was very successful and agreeable to all involved.
Like us at the Traverse Bay Chapter’s Facebook Page!
North-Central Chapter Fall 2013 Update
We are pleased to inform everyone that we fed over 1,000 wild turkeys in twelve townships in four different counties this past winter. The winter started off slow but, with melting and refreezing we had here, it made an almost impenetrable ice crust.
The 2014 North Central Chapter of the MWTHA banquet will be held earlier this year on March 1, 2014, and will have a new feel. For those that have come to the banquet in the past, it will be similar.
Pere Marquette Chapter Fall 2013 Update
The following is some of the activities of the Pere Marquette Chapter. It may include activities of the state chapter as well.
We held a chapter meeting on February 12. A discussion was held on pending turkey hunting regulations. As we always do we had a discussion what we can do to insure the future of the Wild Turkey throughout northern Michigan among other issues. A state chapter meeting was held on February 17 at Clare. Pending issues and concerns of individual chapters was discussed and where needed consensus was reached.