Restricted Wild Turkey License

In 1977 the Michigan DNR promised turkey hunters that if they were willing to purchase a special license that the license fee would be used to manage Wild Turkeys throughout the state. In 1977 the turkey license was established by the legislature. The law stated: The...
The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

For the past 21 years, we have published Michigan Turkey Tracks twice a year. Copies are sent to key Michigan DNR administrators, outdoor publications, other media, outdoor writers, selected politicians including the governor, our members, Michigan United Conservation...

Letter to NRC

John Matonich Chairman Natural Resources Commission 9502 Shyre Circle Davison, MI 48423 Dear Mr. Matonich: I am responding to the proposed fall turkey regulations and license quotas which is on your April 14 agenda on behalf of the Michigan Wild Turkey Hunters...