Fall 2017 Update
They say time seems to pass faster when you get older. How true that is for me. It seems like the spring turkey season just ended, but we’re already looking at fall and another fall turkey sea- son here in Area J. No one’s quite sure why we continue to have a fall...Spring 2017 Update
As we get through the final months of what really has been a fairly mild winter and head into another spring hunting season, the impact of what can only be described as the collapse of several of MWTHA’s chapters in northern Michigan, and two very hard winters in a...Fall 2016 Update
After what was undoubtedly the mildest winter since “the winter that never happened” of 2011/2012, and in- credible relief after the killer winters of the last two years, those of us who took after gobblers this past spring en- joyed and almost normal, weather-wise,...
Spring 2016 Update
Everyone needs to do their part to keep what’s left of the wild turkey resource in northern lower Michigan going. If you see wild turkeys out there this winter, find out who’s feeding them and offer to help by buying a bag or two of corn or donating a few dollars.