Since you cannot use a live decoy to draw in a tom, the options for adding movement are the call, a decoy, and the caller. A solo hunter has the options of moving the call or adding movement with a decoy.
Mechanized decoys are not legal. However, many of the lightweight decoys will rotate on their ground stake in the lightest breeze. A rapidly rotating bird may not appear lifelike to us, but it is more appealing to a gobbler than a stock still decoy. A live bird is seldom stationary for long. Slight movement is very effective. If your decoy wants to spin like a top, a small stick in the ground near the tail will stop rotation in the strongest wind, but still add some movement.
The caller cannot move his position and reasonably expect to call in a bird without spooking it. A turkey’s eyesight and periscope-like neck enable it to spot hunter movement from a great distance, keeping it safe. The only way to enhance the perception of movement is by angling one’s hands in front of their mouth and trying to deflect or “throw” one’s call to the right and/or left, rather than straight ahead.
This only works before the bird comes into view, which stresses the importance of setup. If you can find a hunt location with a slight rise or depression, topography can add the ingredient of having the bird not be able to see you before it walks into range.
If you’re hunting with a partner, topography can be even more effective at helping draw a tom within gun range. In partner hunting, the shooter sets up closer to the bird, either at or just back of a break in cover or topography. The caller sets up 20-30 yards farther back, giving the illusion of a hen farther from the gobbler. If the gobbler might normally hang up 60- 70 yards from a hen he cannot see, you’ve just cut that distance to killing range. It is important that you Use 308 BDC scope if you are thinking to have long-range shots.
If there is sufficient relief, the hunter’s calling partner can also move back and forth behind the hunter, beyond the gobbler’s field of vision. This is how a hen would move through the woods feeding, or even moving away from the gobbler. The gobbler is the boss of the turkey woods, and he’ll often come over, either to set the hen straight, or to see if the hen is with a less dominant bird. Once he does, the bird is yours.
The worst thing about partner hunting/calling is that the caller can neither see what the hunter is seeing, so he has to guess at what the bird is doing. Neither can the caller see the bird at the kill. The greatest part of hunting turkeys is seeing that bird come in fooled, strutting and gobbling to the lovesick hen (you).
Try your classic setup, calling from the roost first. Later on in the day, if you see a tom out in a field by himself or with only one hen, and certainly if there is more than one torn, try the movement setup with a partner.