North-Central Chapter Banquet Date Set

The North-Central Chapter’s 23rd annual banquet fundraiser is now set for March 7, 2020. With the wildly popular “Gobbler Gun Giveaway”, fabulous dinner, kids games, ladies free table and other great games for guns.

State Chapter Newsletter – March 2019

Once again, Hello! Hope all are surviving the cold and ice; it’s been brutal, hasn’t it? At night I can see a flock of turkeys roosting in the trees behind the house and I can only wonder how in the heck they don’t freeze up and fall off their limb. Anyway, this...

State Chapter Newsletter – January 2019

Hello to all and Happy New Year! As the current president of the MWTHA State Chapter, I will try and send out a newsletter of sorts from time to time when I think there are issues to be addressed, updated, or when the membership would like clarification on something....