Distribution of shelled corn has been ongoing for two weeks as of this writing in early January, but only at the Charlevoix barn-Gaylord has yet to open, although these is, as this is written, about 6-8 inches of snow on the ground in that area. Few people are feeding, with most birds still up in the hills gleaning a rich crop of beechnuts from the frozen ground.
Once again this winter, we shipped 5 tons of corn to the Beaver Island Wildlife Club, members of MWTHA now for the past two years, and caretakers of a burgeoning flock of more than 600 birds on that little island in Lake Michigan. Yes, it’s legal to hunt turkeys there, and they’d LOVE to see you next spring!
Although it is estimated that some 11,000+ wild turkeys continue to call Area J home, our numbers have bounced around quite a bit in recent years. 2006 was a good year, let’s hope that continues. Again, if you’ve ever thought about running a trapline or doing some winter predator hunting, this is certainly the year to try it.
Last spring brought some unexpected hunting pressure with the decision by the DNR to sell all left-over limited quota tags over the counter-something we’re hoping, probably fruitlessly, the DNR won’t do again. These birds already have enough pressure, they deserve a bit of a break.
We’re certain it won’t be long and ALL tags will be sold over the counter, and we’ll lose what little quality hunting we’ve got left.
The Traverse Bay Chapter of MWTHA conducts monthly meetings throughout the winter months. This winter, our meetings are once again being held at the Gaylord DNR Office on M-32 just west of downtown Gaylord on February 15 and March 15th at 7p.m. All meetings last about an hour, stop by and visit us! And once again, we’ll also be helping to man the MWTHA booth at the Traverse City Outdoor Show in late March.
And last, but not least, the Traverse Bay Chapter’s annual Spring Turkey Hunters Workshop will once again be held back at our old alma-mater Northland Sportsmans Club in Gaylord on Saturday March 31st, 2007 Hope to see you there!